150 Nm to Yap

Lars Alfredson
Fri 22 Feb 2019 01:36
POS 09:07.500N 140:42.000E
21 feb 01.30 UTC (22 feb 11.30 local time)
speed +9kn
wind 20 kn , from north
course 280
Hello all,
Last days we have been monitoring the tropical storm (TS) Wutip closely.
At some point we were a bit concerne if we would be hit or not. But now we have managed to gear up and built a
healthy distance and will be in Yap well before the wind will be against us.
Since we left Elato nothing much to report. Days and nights passes and the rutine onboard is the same. Reading is the major spend of time.
Breakfast,noonbeer,some light lunch,happy hour,dinner and the watches start at 21.00
Very humid and hot onboard since no hatches could be open due to waves and spray.
Best place to be is cockpit allthough some splashes now and then make our bodies wet and salty.
Ivan and Jonas had a morning shower, very refreshing indeed. The rest of the crew now starts smelling, tvi vale....
Updates with photos on blog and facebook will follow when we reach wifi-land
The crew on Dawnbreaker