Back to Savusavu

Pos 16:46.65S 179:20.02E
20130816 Friday
Another early start as the engine fires up, it’s 6:30. As we head out of the shelter of our anchorage the wind picks up and its soon blowing 25 knots East Southeast giving enough angle for us to set a Genoa, as our speed rises to 9 knots.
This is fine until we turn to round the bottom of the island and as usual the wind is howling on the nose and our speed is reduced to 4 knots under engine alone as the limp Genoa is furled in.
Eventually we’re running south east and we can run out a close hauled Genoa again, though the seas have risen and it’s a bouncy ride in two metre seas slamming just off the bow. Then its time to navigate the long channel through the reef. The good news is that though we are now head to wind again, the seas have flattened behind the shelter of the reef
Through the reefs.
Shan takes advantage of the lull to rustle up some sandwiches and a beer for lunch before we pop out the otherside and the bouncing resume with renewed vigour.
Heading south east we’re soon back up to 8 knots plus we scream across the bay to the shelter of the peninsula running to Suvasuva. On our way we pass the Super Yacht “Ethereal” at 58 metres (190’) this ketch rigged yacht is an humungous sleek machine (If you’d like a “ tour” or more details of her type the name into Google)
58 meters and 18 meters
I call the Copra Shed Marina on channel 16/14 and we’re told their Boatman will meet us and take us to a mooring and we’re soon swinging just of the yacht club. We take a visit ashore but the office is closed, fortunately the bar’s open and after a couple of “Fiji Bitters” and “Bulas” from the bar staff who welcome us back for we return for happy hour.
Copra Shed from our mooring On the mooring.
We we’re going to dine ashore, but we’re not ready for civilisation yet and decide to stay aboard. As we tuck into “Wahoo Italiano”, we can hear the music from the show taking place at the club which is very pleasant but not enough to tempt us ashore.
Sated and supped so to bed.
Bob the Blog |