Quick stop in Santo

Lars Alfredson
Wed 9 Oct 2013 07:19
Pos 15:37.53S 166:46.44E
Lisburne Bay
Monday 7/10
We have a nice all night sail over to Santo where we arrive Monday morning.
getting close to the island the wind turnes on the nose and the weather is not
to nice. We continue with motor down thw west coast of Santo looking for a good
anchoridge. At lunch time we anchor outside the village of Vasalea.
The wind has now turned to SW and the anchoridge become very rolly. After
lunch we continue south and arrive at Lisburne bay in pich black darknes at
about 20.00 hours. It is not fun to come in in the dark, with charts that are
sometime more than 1/2 a NM out. Luckely I had a GPS position for a good anchor
spot and i followed that blindly.
Late dinner and off to bed.
Good night,
Lars. |