Tasermiut Fjord

Lars Alfredson
Mon 17 Jul 2023 21:38
POS 60:26.896N  44:32.636W

After topping up food stock at Nanortalik we visited the hotel again for some WiFi. 
New weather and ice maps was downloaded. Whatsapp calls to family and friends. 
We changed our original plan going south and decided to go up the fjord, Tasermiut (Ketils Fjord). We met a cruise ship and the huge 290feet ketch in fjord.
Massive mountains and a spectacular view, very beautiful indeed. 
Some camping tents alongside one of the slopes. 

We have a broken high pressure hose for the watermaker, no freshwater can be produced. 
Will troubleshoot when we dropped the anchor for to night deep in the fjord.
Could be we need to go back to Nanortalik tomorrow and see what supplies we can find.

