Porto Santo - Madeira
Lars Alfredson
Tue 26 Oct 2010 17:25
pos 32:38.6821 N 16:54.4360W
Bob is writing some more detail below
Vid 1-tiden på söndagen avseglar vi från Porto Santo med riktigt bra vind från nordost, vi spirade 2 genuor åt varsitt håll och gungade rejält ned mot Madeira där vi anlände kl 19.00 efter 45 distansminuter. Inga sjösjukeplåster på den här etappen, kanske vi har fått riktiga sjöben nu!?
På Måndagen har det varit sightseeing med bl.a. linbana upp en bra bit på berget. Där kunde man sedan välja att åka släde! nedför, vi valde att promenera ned vilket vi har fått ångra idag när träningsvärken har satt in.
Idag Tisdag har vi hyrt bil och kört över och runt halva ön. Fantastiska utsikter, vi hade tur med vädret och hamnade bara tillfälligt i moln när vi var uppe på 1500 meter.
Morgonen startade tidigt och chockartat när jag upptäckte att vår gummibåt inte längre satt fastknuten i aktern. Vi började spana efter den in mot land och upptäckte efter ett tag att vår närmsta ankargranne, en tysk hade upptäckt vår dinge och kom roende med den på släp. Jag slapp simma och tysken blev en whiskey rikare. Puh!
Planerar nu att avgå mot Palma imorgon bitti för att angöra där torsdag kväll om väder och vind står oss bi.
Fortsatt varma hälsningar
24102010 Sunday Day 7
the following reports will be a little abreaveated
Sunday 1300 we departed Porto Santo having cleared our email and added pictures to the blog. A good North Eastery with the wind dead astern and just the Jib we were making 7kts. As the day progress the seas got up running quite confused at about 2 metres but with the consistant wind it was decided to "Goosewing" the two headsails which was a more stable configuration than a main with a preventer. This was very succesful and although it got a little rock and rolly we make up to 10kts.
1900 arrived at Funchal a distance of 45nm as their was "no room in the inn" we anchored in the outer harbour, had the requisite G & T and took our ease, Though we were somewhat dismay at the state of the water which was very brown with lots of floating bits.
Dinner ashore and what turned out to be a very uncomfortable night as the wind held us across the swell give a few minutes of calm to lull you to sleep before a violent side to side rocking threatening to throw you out of you bunk.
25102010 Monday Day 8
Woken up to a terrific banking and clanging from ashore which turned out to be a fleet of trucks uptying their loads of rock from diggers clearing the river bed, this also provided the explanation for the brown water and the debris as apparently their had been terrific storms and the lower city had flooded and the rivers became clogged with rubble and overflowed.
Explored the town and found a small Maderia wine wharehouse had tasting and purchase a ice bottle to see us on ourway.
That afternoon we took a cablecar to the top of the moutain (1000 M?) Lars purchased on way ticket and said we were towalk back down (up to his old tricks)
We started our walk down 45degree street at risk of being mown down by the people sledges that they run down needless to say the muscles you didnt now you had were in agony by the end.
Back aboard and severall G & T's to numb the pain.
Later that evening we dinned in a side restaurant where we discovered a glaswegian portugese who was our waitress!!
26102010 Tuesday Day 9
Got early to pick up the hire car and drive up the mountains and valleys across the island, though their was a little setback when the dinghy appeared to have gone missing !! more to follow.....
Foton kommer senare då vi inte har internet utan bara sattellite-kommunikation just nu.