rude awakening

Lars Alfredson
Thu 4 Aug 2016 10:36
No time for pictures. ALL HANDS ON DECK call. Engine on an cold high revs anchor winch (windless for the purists) and nothing.
Plan B hang on the boom. Not an inch.
Tide is still coming down for an hour. Today is spring ebb, minus 1,07m. Best time of the month to get stuck. The gap to the max is almost 4m.
Final plan C: rollout our 100m Patagonia line. Dinghy in the water and Ivan and Urban onshore tying it to the largest rock, while Lars hoists the other end to the top mast.
Plan to lean the boat enough to free the keel.
Full engine and dinghy pulling and she rockets out of her hold running over the dinghy to only be stopped by the still laying anchor, which later turns out was hooked to a crab pot.
We off now heading further into the bay in a typical Musto HPX weather. So far all are but Urban are fully geared up in their foul weather gear.