4th day
Lars Alfredson
Thu 27 Sep 2012 01:17
26th of September 22.00 LT
We had a wild night of reaching at 10 knots with 2 reefs in the Main.
In the morning it calmed down to a comfertable days sailing.
24 hour run was 179 Nautical miles.
We have now got into our routines and the days pass by quickly.
Decided to have fish for dinner so we put out a line after lunch.
We all made a bet on how long it would take before we had a bite.
Mike won with 2 hours but the fish was a bit to big and tok off with hook line and sinker.
Better luck tomorrow.
We had a nice wok dinner with chicken instead.
Approx 24 hours to go before Robinson Crusoe Island.
Please read mor about the Island on the following web page: