Lagoa Verde 22032011 Tuesday

Pos 23:08.36S 44:19.37W
The mountains are cover in low cloud and its overcast.We are promised by the local fishermen more rain thunder and lightening, but as the day progresses it brightens. Thomas rustles up bacon and egg to cheer us up except for Lars who still has a fever and is not feeling that bright. He manages lunch but no beer, were seriously worried! After Lunch we up anchor and set off for around the headland for Logoa Verde marked as a dive site, closely followed by Grey Pearl and later the South African catarmaran and home of Onzo’s “girlfriend” The Bay contains a floating Bar but the bad news is they have no ice and only warm beer but they do have home brewed Casasha and some limes which they are happy to sell.
Late afternoon and Thomas and I take the
dinghy to the fishing previously. The Bar/Shop was already open they now had four tables outside. Again after several beer we purchases Cashasha and limes from the owners tree,freshly picked as we supped. On the way back we stopped by Grey Pearl where we were invited aboard for a glass of wine, some of the deadly cherries and piece of Pizza before returning to base in fine form.
Bob the Blog.