Day 8

Steve & Carol
Sat 18 May 2013 12:49
28:04.62N 51:24.76W 1200 UTC After a very slow sail yesterday the wind was forecast to drop off even more and back to the north overnight so we decided to put the engine on for the night. The wind did drop to between 2 and 5 knots and went north so a good decision. Just at dawn Steve spotted a sailboat dead ahead and as we were still motoring went over to it to say hello. The fellow was single handed and Steve woke him up, he said we were the first boat he’d seen in ten days (perhaps he sleeps a lot). Anyway with day light and a bit more wind, 7 knots we were off sailing again, now enjoying an easterly course for a while. We are now on the other tack so getting around the boat is a new adventure for us. Still no fish on the line but we are probably going too slow to interest anything.