Back in the water.

Steve & Carol
Fri 2 Nov 2012 17:49
With Sandy and the bad weather gone we started to dry the inside where
water had got in and put the boat back together, putting the spray hood ,
mainsail, solar panels, rolled up dinghy, wind generator etc back in place while
we waited to go back in the water. The storm has left the weather much colder
than before so we are having to wrap up and run the heating. Lydia and
Bill let us stay in the house and use the pick up until Wednesday so we were
able to get provisions etc. We went back in the water yesterday morning and
stayed on the dock for a couple of hours to wash the dinghy and fill up with
water before anchoring in the bay to put the genoa and staysail back on, we can
move around the boat without climbing over things.
Bill and Lydia with the truck they lent us.
The lovely home they lent us.
with its wonderful view
which wasn't quite so nice all the time
It was great to be able to drive straight into the garage during the wet
Boats queuing up to be lifted out of the water for Sandy
The docks all underwater during sandy.
You can see how close to the waters edge Innamorata was and why we were so
relieved that the water level didn't rise as high as it was predicted to thanks
to the wind direction going round to the west.
It was great to see her happily where we left her
Going back where she belongs
While out of the water we made a leather wheel cover from offcuts we got at
the boat show I sewed it on so now we have a nice warm wheel to hold – just as
well with the change in temperature.