Bock marine moored for the weekend

Steve & Carol
Mon 18 Nov 2019 15:24
34:49.437N 76:41.426W 
We moved a short distance to Bock marine boatyard to tie up for the weekend and shelter from the storm, we didn’t fancy being anchored with wind gust potentially over 50 knots. Bock Marine is a slightly more reasonable price than the $2.00 or $2.55 per foot per night to dock down in Beaufort!
Wind forecast for the weekend, although it wasn’t as bad as predicted there were strong winds for 48 hours so we were very happy to be able to get off the boat have long hot showers and be far less stressed than we would have been at anchor.

We also managed to attached the wind steering gear, secure the  dinghy on deck and prepare Innamorata for passage. Helen and Dave from Grace are here and Helen took me to get the last fresh provisioning and we filed up with propane, we are therefore all ready to leave for St Martin. We also met another boat, Richard and Jane on Zwailer who are heading to Antigua so it looks like there may be 3 orf us heading out at the same time.