Photo's Exumas.

Steve & Carol
Sat 9 Feb 2013 20:08
The Bahamas are really all about the water it is amazingly clear and clean
and the marine life is abundant.
This cowfish blends in with its surroundings and changes colour very subtly
and quickly as it swims along
The abundant fish at Emerald Rock.
A wimp in a wet suit!
Even on a cloudy day the sea is incredible.
Different shades of blue depending on the depth of water
This little fellow wasn't scared, Isn't he wonderful, just think some
people eat these gentle creatures.
Fish at Thunderball.
Friends surrounded by fish
A Queen Angel fish
Some Schoolmasters (I think)
Remora eating bread at Black Point
A green heron resting on our outboard
Rudder Cay above water
and below
A lion fish - an alien from the Pacific which although beautiful are
thought to be destroying the balance of marine life in the Caribbean where they
have no predators except man who are encouraged to spear them.
Social feather dusters which are in fact segmented worms!
a squirrelfish
cushion sea star
Stocking Island near Georgetown
Veggie pot luck
Feeding Ray