Day 4 Christmas Day

Steve & Carol
Sun 25 Dec 2011 14:17
15:49.31N 33:04.85W 1400 UTC
Happy Christmas everyone
So this is Christmas at sea, not the sunshine we had hoped for but the wind
is fair and the sea being kind so I’m not having trouble cooking and Steve has
just made party hats from an old yachting magazine. We had a good night with
better wind strength but still zig zagging our way so not making great progress
in the right direction but better in miles covered. Some pilot whales swam by
earlier but no dolphins so far.
We have had lots of messages on the Sat phone which is great, thanks for
the Christmas wishes. however we don't know who some are from, if
you send it from the iridium web site you need to put who its from and only use
160 characters, its not like a mobile phone if you write more it doesn't send 2
messages so the end is lost! |