Atlantic crossing photos and Barbados

Steve & Carol
Fri 26 Jan 2018 11:47
I managed to get a couple of pictures of the whale / whales although most
of the pictures are just pale blobs under the water.
This is one on its side feeding – you can see the tail fin and the flipper
at first we thought the tail fin was a killer whale dorsal fin, I have a whale
and dolphin book which said that some whales feed like this and their tail are
often mistaken for killer whale fins!
and these were on another day
![]() ![]() Our fastest days of the crossing were all done with 3 reefs in the main and
genoa so tiny sails.
Approaching Barbados
Port St Charles – the pontoon hasn't improved since our last visit – there
was terrible surge moored on it to check in, we will anchor off and dinghy in
when we check out.
It has rained at some point nearly every day since we arrived which isn't a
bad thing – we have managed to wash the salt off the boat and its quite
refreshing at times. We spent the first couple of days getting the boat sorted
and mending things – one of the main sail sliders had broken, the rudder stock
had been leaking and needed tightening up, we found a man who looked at the
autopilot control panel which has a touch pad problem – unfortunately it cant be
fixed and Steve dismantled the pole – which also cant be fixed but we salvaged
the ends etc.
Broken main sail
Rather sad looking pole!
We entered the round Barbados race before we got here and once here we went
and registered etc however as the day approached the weather forecast wasn't
looking good strong winds squalls and big seas on the other side of the
island , we decided not to beat the boat or ourselves up and the night before
opted not to race ( we were going to do it with just the 2 of us which would
have been a hard work even on a nice day!
The morning of the race
this would have been a short while after we started – squalls and heavy
We were very glad that we decided not to start!
We have been snorkelling a few times – there are 5 or 6 wrecks in the bay
some of which have a lot of fish around them.
We also took the bus to Welshman Hall Gully with the hope of seeing some
monkeys – sadly we missed them but had a nice walk anyway.
View from top of
Lots of different trees with elaborate roots.
We did see lots of millipedes we also saw some hummingbirds in Bridgetown
which made my day – they were too fast for us though and by the time we had
tried to get a picture they had moved on.
The locals are friendly and helpful going out of their way to assist if you
ask how to find somewhere or thing, we are however ready to move on now – the
anchorage here is somewhat rolly and although initially it was fine after the
Atlantic – we are both rather tired of it. Barbados is also an expensive island
in many ways, places to visit seem to be priced for cruise ship visitors and
food shopping is quite expensive – not only for us but for the locals, the
choice is also quite disappointing – we are so spoilt in the UK being able to
get such a great variety of food! The buses are cheap, every ride is $2
Barbadian (there are about 2.8 Barbadian $ to the pound). A lot of cruise ships
visit Bridgetown, there are between 2 and 5 come into the cruise ship dock ever
day during December to May, most people assume we are from a cruise ship,
we must have been asked if we want a taxi a few hundred times since we got
here! Although we have had people from the cruise ships on local busses with us
generally they are in another league when it comes to having money to spend!
Next we are heading for Bequia which is an overnight sail from here.