
Steve & Carol
Fri 11 Jan 2013 22:21
We almost grew roots in Nassau! For Christmas Ken and Sheila set off on
Camelot for a few days away with their children and their partners who were all
home for a short holiday and we moved into his spot on the wall at the Folly
which was great as we just had to step ashore rather than dinghy. We spent a
very nice Christmas day with Vicki and her family at her mother’s house, Vicki's
husband Oliver and Jamie her son only arrived back in their sail boat from Miami
Christmas morning so we all went our separate ways in the afternoon. We spent
all of Boxing day in the sunshine cleaning the outside of the boat as it’s been
a while since we had access to fresh water. After a few days Ken returned and we
went back to the mooring and had a good time doing a few odd jobs on the boat
and enjoying the good company of Vicki, Oliver, Ken and Sheila as well as making
new friends with Patti and Dave who live 2 doors away from the Folly and a few
other boaters. For New Year we went to a party at Patti and Dave’s and got a
great view of the fireworks set off from a barge on the other side of the
harbour. All in all it was far too easy to stay put in Nassau, Vicki had to go
to Miami for 6 days on the 3rd of January and we said our goodbyes expecting to
be long gone when she returned however things kept keeping us there when we said
we were setting off such as the outboard playing up, electrical problems with
our flat in the UK etc. We did get away for a week end to Green Cay with Ken and
Sheila which was great and we had our first swim/snorkel of 2013 over the coral
reef there (I have to admit we both wore wetsuits despite the sea being
When Vicki returned we were still there so had to stay another day or so to
catch up with her, it will be a while till we see each other again and she
cooked a lovely last supper for us at the Folly .
We know we could keep finding reasons to stay there but its been nearly a
month –the longest we have stopped anywhere since we left the UK and it really
is time to move on again. We have loved our stay in Nassau and can’t thank
everyone there for making us so welcome and having such a good time.