Ensenada Honda, Culebra, Puerto Rico

Steve & Carol
Tue 4 Feb 2020 17:31
As we left Fredricksted we spotted a mother and baby dolphin swimming near the boat, we have heard that there are a family of dolphins here who are friendly and frequently visit the area but had not seen any until now 😩.
Soon we were having a great sail towards the Spanish Virgin Islands off Puerto Rico, we made the 43 mile trip in just over 6 hours. Soon we were anchored amongst some familiar boats - Wild Iris, Endless Summer and Tomskii Kastan were all here. We had to check in as this is now USA and considered a different country from USVI, fortunately as we have a USA cruising permit we didn’t have to go to the airport but Steve spent 30 mins on the phone reporting our arrival and giving the officer all the passport info etc required!