Escape to Cefalu
Steve & Carol
Wed 3 May 2023 15:03
38:02.395N 014:02.198E With the wind forecast to be northwesterly we set off at first light through the gap between Lipari and Vulcano heading towards Sicily, it was a pretty grey miserable morning. We weren’t sure where we would end up but hoped to get to Cefalu or the terminus - a port further west. As per usual the wind chose not to do as it was predicted to and was very light winds from due west - disappointed but glad be on the move we motored for the first few hours, after 3 hours it increased, came round to the NW and soon we were having a lovely sail as the day progressed and as the wind went more westerly again it became apparent we wouldn’t make it further than Cefalu. We headed to the anchorage pleased to see Mark on Grace Richard and someone on another boat waving at us as we approached to anchor - we soon recognised the person on the other boat was Markus - a sailor we had met in Monastir but we had never seen his boat Malagor. Sandwiched between the 2 we anchored and settled down, soon Mark cane over to say hello and have a beer or 2, as we chatted in the cockpit Caffe Latte and Ananda - a German boat we first saw in Malta arrived. The next morning Mark moved on to his next destination and we went ashore to explore the town and as per usual find a shop to get a few provisions, we met Jougen and Anna from Ananda and walked into town with them before going our seperate ways. Cefalu was first settled by the Greeks who built on the massive rock that looms over the medieval town with Norman buildings and narrow streets, it is a popular tourist town and the area around the harbour is where the coaches park so the walk into town was heaving with tourists but once in the town it wasn’t so busy! We found a shop, rather disappointing but we did get a few bits we wanted, when we got back to the boat the swell had begun to get into the anchorage and as there was no wind all the boats were once again rolling - so once we put the shopping away we went off for another walk - this time we met Jean and Yolene from Caffe Latte and walked into town with them to get an ice cream. La Rocca Cefalu from the town beach. The narrow streets lined with small balconies With no prospect of less swell rolling into the anchorage we decided to head off the following morning to get further west and be better positioned to leave Sicily to sail to Sardinia. |