Isla Culebrita

Steve & Carol
Fri 22 Mar 2013 12:11
Culebrita is a small uninhabited island just off the coast of Culebra, it
is a great island to explore and we went for a few walks, one to the ruins
of an old light house at the top of the hill, which still has a small light
powered by solar panels.
We climbed the tower and got some spectacular views.
Ian and Steve having a chat
Another walk was to the far end of the island, after a little rock climbing
we found plenty of cacti
Some were most strange
We got some great views from the hill tops as well.
We also had some good snorkel sessions though visibility wasn't that good
we did see some new marine life -
I think this is a Nudibranch / Spanish dancer which is a sea slug
One of a pair of squid we saw, they change colour to blend in with their
surroundings as you watch
This giant anemone has florescent tips to its tentacles