Aveiro / Sao Jacinto

Steve & Carol
Sat 9 Sep 2017 15:31
40:39.51N 008:43.824W We had a pleasant stay for a few days and got a few things done - we had a leak from the exhaust which needed investigating - Steve found a hole in part of it - luckily we had had the same problem some years ago and had had a new part made and also had the old bit mended, he was able to put the repaired old part on until we can get it welded up. He did some rewiring in heavier duty cable for the watermaker and I did some canvas work. A Dutch couple we met in Bayona, Willie and Ria on Sun Ra were also there and we spent some time with them - they previously went around the world 2004-12 and were very interesting to talk to - Willie also wrote a book about their travels - sadly its in Dutch as it looks very interesting – they seem to like quieter places. We went for a walk to the beach through the town. The town quay has had a make over since we were there in 2011 although little else has changed. |