Weymouth and Portland

Steve & Carol
Sun 6 Aug 2017 19:08
50:36.77N 002:26.50W
We stayed at Studland Bay for a few days in rather windy conditions
managing to get a few odd jobs done on the boat.
By Friday 04/08 it looked like we had a weather window to get across the
channel to Cameret Sur Mer in France and so headed into Poole to pop in to a
marina for short stay and do last minute shopping some laundry and fill up Gas
bottle, after which we went back to Studland to anchor before setting sail at
21.30 for the 2 night sail. Wind was West 4 and so it was a beat but Innamorata
was going well with the help of the tide. The wind against tide made the
sea a little lumpy and unfortunately Jayne did not feel well – after 4 hours
with another 30 or so to go we decided it was not fair to carry on and so turned
around and headed for Weymouth where we anchored off the beach at first light
and all went to bed for some sleep.