
Steve & Carol
Tue 26 Jul 2022 17:02
43:01.732E 017:01.6E
We made our way out of the anchorage to continue north, past the monetary and once past the ferry terminal we did a slow sail past the town of Korccula, another place it wold be nice to stop at and visit on our way south later in the season,
Once in the channel between the Peljesac peninsular and the Island of Korcula we had to keep an eye on the many windsurfers and kite surfers, from novices to hydrofoiling ones.
it kept us entertained 
As we neared the end of the channel the wind did it's customary sudden drop to nothing before changing direction! 
We ended up at Loviste bay, anchored and went ashore to find a shop for some fresh bread and veg! The one shop had the saddest old tired fruit and vegetables we have seen for a long time! We did get bread but little else!
then it was time to cool off, Steve got his paddle board out , loaded it with his mask and fins and headed towards the shore while I snorkelled along nearby - as far as marine life goes its soooo disappointing, there really isn’t much here at all, lots of sea cucumbers and a few small fish but nothing with any colour to it 🥺, the carribean water and sea life is calling!