Spanish town, Virgin Gorda

Steve & Carol
Fri 30 Mar 2012 22:32
18:27.24N 64:26.48W
We had a few lovely days anchored in North Sound where Carol celebrated a rather big birthday in the very good company of Tactical Directions, Tuatara and Yindee Plus, (thank you to all who sent me Birthday wishes). We had the sailing dinghy out to play in and Steve managed to capsize it for the first time, he manage to right it by himself though both him and the dinghy were a little water logged! We have now south to visit the Baths an unusual rock formation where the sea washes between giant boulders and the sun on the water creates dramatic light effects, however there was a northerly swell and big breakers on the beach so Steve stayed on board while I went in a friends dinghy to the dingy moorings, from there you swim ashore, once there I decided to give it a miss as I was not sure I could swim back out to the dinghy in the rough seas. We have come to Spanish town a mile away and anchored for the night and will try again tomorrow when we hope the sea will be more settled and the waves not so rough.