Day 6
Steve & Carol
Fri 19 Jan 2024 12:43
Had up to 30 knots yesterday and mostly 22-26 since then and wind is more easterly most of the time, we are now sailing with poled out Genoa and reefed mizzen. On AIS we lost our companion catamaran Goa6 who we had on AIS for over 400 miles, he had to sail more down wind due to the sea state, this morning we got a what’s app and he is 20 miles away and going parallel to us.
Not a roller coaster fan (Carol) it did get to a point yesterday when I just wanted the ride to stop! However I then thought of the little boats that recently did the golden globe and the solo sailors who endure months in the southern ocean and realised this was actually not bad at all, since then I have been enjoying the ride 😀, just as well as the forecast isn’t going to change much all the way there! We do get the odd day with slightly lighter winds but generally it’s similar to now.
We did 167 miles yesterday and all is good on board!