Arrived in Barbados

Steve & Carol
Mon 15 Jan 2018 22:17
13:05.54N 59:37.06W
After a rather slow sail for the last few hours we arrived in Port St Charles 15.15 to clear customs, immigration and health. The pontoon is still as rickety as it was last time we were here and we surged backwards and forwards while there which was a bit unpleasant.  Our crossing was 2693 miles in 18 and a bit days and we averaged 6.2 knots for the trip which we are very happy with, we would have been quicker if the Genoa pole hadn't broken early on in the trip which compromised our genoa sail size quite considerably and meant that we had a real struggle in the light winds at the end and it was too far down wind for the cruising chute to be helpful. We sailed the whole way except a few hours of motoring at the start and a few mins this end for mooring up, we did have to run the engine in neutral to charge the batteries though most days as the wind generator didn't really  produce much power down wind sailing and the hours of sunshine relatively short, the towgen did put some power in 24/7 but between them it wasn't enough.
Arfter clearing customs we have moved on to Carlisle Bay Bridgetown, Windsong is here.