Biscay day 1.

48:28.05N 05:11.88W We decided to head off with the wind a favourable north easterly even though the forecast was for rain! As we upped anchor it began to rain – I hope this isn’t how its going to be! Soon we were sailing gently along heading for the brighter sky. We saw a couple of fastnet boats fighting it out on their way back to Plymouth and missed being fired on by a Warship – I think the fastnet boats sailed straight through the firing zone! We were then overtaken by a trimaran doing 26+knots, made us look like we were standing still! At about 4 pm we acquired another member of crew – a very tired little yellow bird – (a warbler I think), poor mite rested for a while then tried to fly off a few times but very weak and flying into a strong headwind it came back very quickly, it began to look for some where to hide / shelter on deck so I made a make shift shelter for it and soon it hopped in – sadly this morning it was dead – may be just as well as if it insisted in continuing north it would have been 70+ miles further from England! First light brought fog this morning! So clouds and rain yesterday – fog today solar panels not getting much sunshine! Our little friend |