Little Harbour, Great Abaco Island, Bahamas

Steve & Carol
Wed 6 Jun 2012 01:34
26:20.00N 76:59.82W
We had a good evening with Stu, Steph (Matador), Chris, Sue Wilf, Sid
(Yindee Plus) and an American couple Mike and Marguerite from Ithaka who have
been cruising for 14 years and are now heading home to the Chesapeake bay. We
learnt a lot about the area and were all invited to visit them when we are
there, Marguerite said we could do our laundry at her place and get a lift to
the shops - which are often a long way from the places boats can access, I have
a feeling that they may regret the offer when they get invaded by bags of
We all set off early and had a great sail most of the way, that was until
the thunder and lightening started, we were right in the middle of it and got
very very wet but though the thunder and lightening crashed around us all turned
out well and everything still works. We also saw dolphins for the first time in
ages as we neared the anchorage and some came in for a swim around the boats
after we had anchored which was a treat. There is still a lightening show going
on in the distance and the forecast is for more all week – what fun!