Passage to Santa Marta

Steve & Carol
Fri 21 Dec 2018 23:54
11:14.51N 74:13.05W 
We all set off between 7.30 and 8 am in light winds - the coast guard escorted us for about 15 miles and bid us a safe passage to Santa Marta. The wind was too light to sail so were motoring for the first hour and a half before we got the cruising chute up for a couple of hours - typically the wind picked up to 18 /19 knots so we took it down again only for the wind to drop off a few minutes later so up it went again for a while - the wind died though so we all were motor sailing for extended periods during the passage - we had nice flat seas and lots of dolphins and given the choice of too little or too much wind I would chose too little however somewhere in the middle would have been better! 
This bottlenose and her baby stayed with us for about 1 1/2 hours - it was easy to spot her as she had a wound behind her blow hole.

We also had spotted dolphins swimming with us - they had 2 tiny babies with them 🐬💕.

 The sun rise over the Sierra Nevada Mountains on route to Sant Marta is meant to be spectacular - we were slightly dissapointed with it due to the cloud cover.

A rather hazy morning!
 We all arrived in Sant Marta within about a couple of hours of each other and were greeted by the rally members already here. We somehow managed to arrive with virtually no wind which made mooring easy - later in the day the winds were up to 35 knots so we times it well!