High Street Landing, Portsmouth.

Steve & Carol
Sat 3 Nov 2012 21:53
36:50.12N 76:17.79W We set off early and had a cracking sail the whole way down to Portsmouth, Innamorata seems very happy with her new bottom paint and treated us to a fast passage. On route we managed to talk to Craig and Karene on Il Sogno and wish them a bon Voyage as they set off from the Hampton's on the Salty Dawg rally to the BVI’s. American insurance companies are so much more sensible than ours which states we should be above 35 degrees north until the 30th November to be insured in a named storm! As today was freezing (I had 7 layers on) I think the BVI’s sounds like a pretty good destination at the moment however our plan is to go to the Bahamas for Christmas so we will plod down the intercostal to Beaufort before coast hopping down as far as Florida. For the time being though we are nicely moored in the free basin we stopped at on our way north and have been to say hello to Bob in Mile Marker 0 chandlery already.