North River
Steve & Carol
Fri 14 Jun 2019 00:31
Yesterday it rained nearly all day and was COLD so we didn’t get to go ashore and explore Belhaven which was a shame, today we woke to grey skies and it looked like it would rain for most of the morning, however by this evening it was sunny and a lot warmer than yesterday. We had a nice SW wind and sailed for a lot of the trip, we did have to motor in the Alligator river Pungo river canal as most of it is tree lined and the wind was too light. We decided to sail across the Albemarle sound this evening as the forecast is for NW wind tomorrow so it would be a beat with horrible short seas. We pulled off the ICW as the sun was about to set and anchored for the night in a spot we used last time we came this way - there are a few other boats here including Lulu who left Oriental the day before us.