Back out in the anchorage

Steve & Carol
Fri 24 Nov 2023 11:29
After 18 days in the marina we moved back out to the anchorage and anchored in our favourite spot near where we can go ashore. As we were anchoring, so were friends Bob and Heather who had just arrived from Almerimar and anchored not too far away - later they popped over for a good catch up - we haven’t seen them since we were in Mallorca, we will probably see a lot of them in the next few weeks as they are heading to the Canaries and across the Atlantic as well.
With westerly wind we decided to head across and anchor near Palmones which gave the gearbox a bit more of a test, the following day we ventured up the little river there by dinghy only attempting it in calm conditions and with the tide, it has sandbanks and we had watched small fishing boats and dinghies bump the bottom quite a few times so had an idea as to which way to approach from, we got in fine with just one brief touch of the outboard. Ashore we went to a massive Carrefort and did a bit of shopping - being Sunday a lot of the shops were closed and the Carrefort wasn’t as well stocked with fresh produce as we had hoped but we got everything we needed.
We headed back to La Linea anchorage for an amazon delivery - which dissapointedly didn’t get delivered to the amazon counter as expected so we gave up on it and got the money refunded. The second day the wind turned and was blowing into the anchorage so we went ashore early and then headed over to a different anchorage in the SW of the bay, we have decided to head to Barbate then on to Cadiz and leave for the Canaries from there as it looks like there will be more opportunities and we wont have to consider the tidal / current effect of the Gibraltar straits.