Charleston, South Carolina. USA

Steve & Carol
Thu 14 Jun 2012 01:05
32:46.67N 79:57.17W We arrived in Charleston with Matador at about 18.45 after nearly 74 hours and an interesting trip with some good bits and not so good ones. Before we left the Bahamas we had problems with our VHF, as Steve had hurt his back Stu went up our mast before we left and spent about an hour up there running a new aerial and cable for the VHF which we think might have been damaged in the lightening on passage from Nassau as it had virtually stopped working, Steve changed the VHF for our old one after we had set sail and we had good communications for the passage. One of our two loos blocked, a messy job but sorted at sea. So things weren't going well when we left then the problems with fuel filters which seems to be Ok for now but we will have to clean our tank before we fill up next. On route the fridge began to play up, not for the first time but annoying, it stops working until it feel like starting up again so that will need sorting too! Anyway apart from the adverse current and thunderstorms we managed to sail between and avoid for the most part it was a good trip with some great sailing especially last night and today we had dolphins a few times come and play as well as passing a few turtles.
Yindee Plus got in an hour or two before us and Eye Candy arrived this morning. We are currently awaiting customs on a marina wall before we go to anchor in the harbour. We are going to settle in and no doubt have a drink with Stu and Steph who were very good in staying by when we had problems with dirty fuel filters and even transferred a 30lt container of clean diesel at sea while we were “hove to”, to rig a temporary fuel source in case we were separated and had more problems with our engine getting into a port.