
Steve & Carol
Mon 30 Jan 2012 02:54
As we left Union Island we heard Robin from Flapjack on the VHF, we spent
he winter moored with them on Crete in 2005 and although we have heard them on
the radio in the Canaries we hadn't been near enough each other to meet up, so
it was great to find out they too were heading for Bequia.
We had a good sail and arrived just after lunch, anchored near Cuttyhunk
and soon had Chris and Irene on board to welcome us followed but David and
Brenda from Bandit. Flapjack arrived not long after us so we caught up with
Robin and Pauline at last as well.
Chris and Irene invited us with some others to Cuttyhunk for supper they
cooked wahoo that they had caught on passage. The food and company was
excellent, we had a great evening.
Bequia is nice but crowded and its been very windy, we went out Thursday
evening to see a steel band heralding the start of the music festival. When we
went back to our boat we noticed Flapjack had dragged anchor and was very near a
large anchored ship so we went back to land and told Robin & Pauline who
hurried back and re-anchored , the following morning 2 other boats dragged
anchor which made us reluctant to go ashore when its windy.
We also met up with Silvain who we first met in Cape Verdes and who crossed
the Atlantic at the same time as us.
We saw lots of turtles, or the same one lots of times while we were
anchored which was a real treat.
Steve and Chris ready for a swim
A lizard this one stayed still long enough for the pic.
Our last night in Bequia was spent with some friends on board
Drinks aboard before Steve got carried away with the Rum punches!