Marigot St Lucia

Steve & Carol
Mon 26 Mar 2018 17:41
13:57.93N 61:01.63W
We have been in contact with friends we met last time we were out here, Charlie and Anina from Prism, they have been heading south and we had planned to meet them in Rodney Bay St Lucia - coincidently where we first met them in 2012! However they have moved south to Marigot bay and so we headed there for an overnight stop, they kindly offered to pay for a mooring ball so we could catch up.
We headed out very early when it was still dark and in true Bequia style it rained as we left! despite that we had another good sail between the islands and had our first visit from a pod of dolphins since the Atlantic crossing, a large number all jumped at the same time as they swam towards us - however they didn’t stop and play - obviously on a mission! One did tag along with us for a while - it then did a large leap out of the water midships on the windward side to make eye contact before leaving to catch up with his mates.
We made good time to St Lucia but had to motor the last hour or so as in the islands wind shadow. We were met by Charlie and Anina as we entered Marigot bay which was lovely. We last saw them when they visited the UK so we had a lot of catching up to do. We were invited to Prism for drinks and supper and had a lovely evening with them.