Falmouth UK
Steve & Carol
Wed 26 Jun 2013 10:29
50:09.16W 05:03.78W The pigeon stayed with us till we were about 7 miles
from Lizard point when the stupid bird flew off in a south westerly direction
out to sea and away from the safety of land, we can only hope it found another
ride on a ship somewhere! A very large pod of dolphins went by on the hunt,
leaping out of the water in the opposite direction to us, the most dolphins we
have seen the whole trip! We eventually made landfall at 1700 UTC after punching
the tide for a few hours in the channel and took a berth at Port Pendennis
Marina after 9 days 3 hours and 1325 miles. Getting back to the UK from the
Caribbean certainly took longer than we thought it would as we had to wait for
weather windows, it looks like we timed this trip almost perfectly though, as we
had good winds until the last 2 days. Its was depressing to be greeted with grey
skies and it’s cold! I guess we will just have to get used to it, we plugged a
heater in to warm the boat up!
Vaiva left yesterday before we got here as Mark has work commitments and
had to get back to Portsmouth, a shame as we were looking forward to a drink
with them but I am sure we will meet up before too long. Gerry left us as he has
friends here – he had been aboard for 2 months and made the trip home much
easier for us. We will be heading east along the coast to Brighton over the next
couple of weeks. |