Bristol Rhode Island
Steve & Carol
Sun 19 Aug 2012 22:33
41:39.70N 71:16.58W After a week in Newport, which is considered by many to
be the sailing capital of the USA, where we waited for a new wind generator to
arrive and spent time in the town which is very yacht friendly with lots of
dinghy docks , a seamen's institute and a maritime centre which both have lots
of services available for transiting yachts. We also made new friend with other
boats anchored and enjoyed the company of Gregg & Jo from Serenade and John
& Christine from Bluepoint of London a sister ship of Innamorata.
Innamorata and Bluepoint of London anchored next to each other.
We had arranged to meet Charlie and Anina who we met in St Lucia on their
Oyster 435 Prism and were having a weekend here with friends Rob and Nadine on
their yacht. We headed up to Bristol, rafted up together on free buoy as Rob is
a museum member and had a great time going out for a meal and visiting the
Herreshoff museum where they built some of the most advanced yachts in the world
between the 1870’s and 1930’s including some of the America cup winners.