
South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Fri 16 Jul 2021 19:25
I grew up with a mother afraid of dogs. It was probably contagious and combined with being bitten as a child I never had any desire to have dogs. In Polynesia as well as in Sinai on diving expeditions I had a great fear for all wild dogs drifting around but had no problems what so ever diving with loads of sharks.
Mercedes grew up with dogs (including a Galician wolf) and allways had dogs herself. When sailing the Pacific and the Indian Ocean she had a yorkshireterrier named Alba and since three years back she has another "yorkie" named Bianca. On the contrary to Alba,Bianca has never been on a boat.
Joining Dora Mac for shorter cruises Bianca has remained with the family in Galicia but now spending 4 months on Dora Mac Bianca was on a boat for the first time in her life.
Both for her and me it has worked beyond expectations. She is basically a very happy dog easy to get along with and only afraid when Dora Mac is moving in heavy seaway. She learned very fast to deal with her natural needs and for me it has been fascinating to have my first experience being close to a dog. It really is rewarding in many ways.
That is not to say that it´s all without problems. Crossing borders between countries even in Scandinavia can be troublesome with all regulations concerning Rabies,parasites etc.
but that is another story.

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