Which antifoul ?
Which antifoul to use is an eternal debate. The oldtime tinbased bottompaint was efficient but has been completely forbidden in Swedish waters since 1989 and in the whole European Union since early 2000. Cupperbased paint is still allowed in most international waters and the current antifoul on Dora Mac is a hard cupperbased paint. After 2 years in arctic waters bottompaint of Dora Mac is still in a surprisingly good condition. The fishingfleet up here in arctic Norway still use tinbased antifoul (Norway is not part of the EU). Not wanting to have an antifoul forbidden in most countries I asked the paintprovider to supply a paint approved internationally and with an international certificate. After priming it´s time for antifoul but today there´s an intensive lowpressure coming in with stormwinds of 60kts gusting 80. Relaunch is planned for tomorrow so let´s just hope we will manage |