Not since WW-II

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Sun 22 Mar 2020 19:31
Now less than a month later the world is in chaos....
I was scheduled for an assignment flying up to Lofoten this Wednesday,but due to the crisis all flights were cancelled and Norwegian borders closed.
Having a workingorder from the Northland Hospital I was advised to drive all through Sweden and cross the border in the north. Reaching the border after 2 days driving I was stopped by Norwegian military who instructed me their orders were not to let anyone through. Showing them passport, Norwegian Doctors service card, and a Norwegian personalnumber they finally let me pass. After a slow drive on icy roads with heavy snowing I reached Lofoten some hours before midnight and now ,since I was in the U.K working last week,I have to be in quarantine for two weeks before going into service.
Not since WW-II has the border to Norway been guarded by military. It´s certainly a world in turmoil and no one knows how this will end..
If there´s anything good coming out of this it´s the way a crisis like this forces us to loose control. Something that in the end teaches humbleness,a rare quality in these times of hubris.