Mediterranean now and then-a metaphor for the future ?

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Sun 31 Dec 2023 15:16
After the end of the cold war the American  Francis Fukuyama wrote "The end of history", in short about how the western democracy would prevail leading to the end of warfare.
Many western countries with conformistic Sweden ahead took the consequence of this influential book and disarmed their military heavily. Now just some decades later it looks like naiv wishful thinking and history as well as reality is back. Reality is that large parts of the world are ruled as autocracyties ruled by dictators who as usual also have imperial ambitions.
Almost two years ago the Ukrain war broke out with an increasing military precense from Nato(Otan) in the Meditarranean,and when we were planning to head for the Red Sea the Israeli/Hamas war broke out bringing two U.S aircraft carriers to the eastern Med. 
While autocrasyties are planning their next imperialistic move some people and media in the west are preoccupied by different genderissues a no-brainer for 99% of the people (unfortunately pushing more and more people in the west to vote extreme right like Italy).
I couple of years ago I was on a dinner were my part of the table started to discuss the situation in the world. One of the participants said she finally had come to the conclusion that humanity is not good enough to rule this planet (antropocen) and wished for our extermination.
To me that sounded far to extreme by then as well as today but I can`t resist sometimes thinking that Homo Sapiens as a species is not gifted enough to be the sole rulers of planet earth.
From a private perspective the year of 2023 was all you could wish for but from a satellite perspective another significant war broke out.
This last decade has been embossed by bad news every year (pandemia and wars). Let´s hope 2024 will be a year embossed by more good news.

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