Work adding up

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Thu 13 Mar 2025 16:47
Initially we were planning to stay just some days in Mindelo and perhaps go to one of it`s neighbour islands before continuing our crossing of the Atlantic. With a leaking autopilot motor as weak point of the whole hydraulic steering system that was not an option anymore.
Moreover ,when retreiving the paravanes upon landfall I found the stay of starboard paravane boom with one cardele broken. Since this stay carries the whole burden of the launched paravane it needed to be replaced.
If these things happen when you are in homewaters you already have a worked up infrastructure for handling different boat issues and this kind of problems would perhaps take a week to fix (depending on season).
We are in Cape Verde Islands knowing nothing. Fortunately more and more boats call in here every year during their crossing and we know from Navily that there are some limited resources for repairs.
We started with the paravane stay and finally landed in CV boatworks in one of the backstreets of Mindelo. Bruno, the local boss,told me he thought they could build a new paravane stay similar to the broken one I brought with me and asked me to come back next day. The replacement looked good only with the problem it was 7mm wire instead of original 8mm sinced they had no 8mm in store. It was just to accept facts and Mercedes helped me up in the mast to install it the same day. Fittings and quality of work was good and if 7mm versus 8mm stainless steel wire should be a matter of concern I do not know.

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