Heading for Marquesas day 2 3:09.439S 92:42.558W

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Wed 16 Apr 2008 03:14
We have now been on our way for the Marquesas for 2 days,and we left together with Richard on board SY-Fleck and some fellow Americans onboard SY-Gaviota.The winds are light,and there has been a lot of motoring.According to weather from Grib-files and weatherfax,the tradewind seems to be established from latitude 6,and further south.We are regularly in contact with Fleck and Gaviota on SSB,and we participate in the "Marquesasnet" at 01.30 UTC.The days are hot and the sun sometimes without mercy,but the nights are beautiful and for the moment with a strong moonlight.We will try to revert every 3rd day,but without pictures since the connection over satellite is slow Perhaps there will be some philosophic thoughts inspired from the starbright sky of the southern hemisphere.