Wedding in Stockholm, passing over the midnight sun, and then back to the heat

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Tue 4 Jul 2023 16:05
The day after Mercedes and I headed to Lofoten for two weeks in the midnight sun.
I was on a surgeryassignment and Mercedes did onlinework creating logos for some of her customers newly purchased catamarans.
It was busy on the hospital mainly because of the return of all tourists after the pandemia but in the beginning of July we headed back to Athens and the heat.
To be able to connect to Leros we neaded to stay over night in Athens and went to the restaurant Ciel,beautifully located on the roof of a central building overlooking the Akropolis. Having dinner in front of an enlightened Akropolis was a gem and the day after we embarked the Blue Star ferry to Leros.
Arriving 03.15 in Lakki port in Leros we were picked up by a taxi who took us to Dora Mac where it was hot but everything otherwise fine.
Starting up the Cruisair aircondition we soon enough had a cool sleeping cabin and fell asleep within minutes.
What an intensive three weeks !