Yet another human tragedy in the Vestfjord

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Thu 25 Mar 2021 20:17
A man on his newly purchased boat (a Norwegianbuilt Viksund) singlehanding from Bergen to Tromsö, contacted Northland Radio to inform about his plans to cross Vestfjorden allthough full storm in the area.
Some hours later a mayday call was received and all rescueunits in the area was alerted. Radiocontact was soon lost but two F-16 fighterjets (with top of the class reconnaissance equipment) located a liferaft and could guide seakinghelicopters and coastguardships to the area. The liferaft was empty and some time later the body of a man was found in open sea. The corps was flewn into the Northland hospital for identification.
This is yet another human tragedy from the history of the Vestfjord. Being open to the whole North Atlantic and with a high frequency of storms and gales this is an area that really deserves respect.