A Swedish summer dream

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Thu 5 Jul 2018 14:12
The last 40-50 years the fish and seals disappeared (allthough some of the seal population is coming back) , and subsequently the hunters and fishermen are gone.
At the same time wealth has generally increased dramatically in Sweden and having a summerhouse by the sea and/or in the archipelago has become increasingly popular. As a result prices have increased exponentially.
Spending time with Dora Mac visiting friends being on vacation in their summerhouses is pure joy. The house on the picture was built and owned by a stonemason in the early 20th century and located on an island in the northern archipelago of Stockholm.
Being bought 2011 the house was carefully restored and a new guest+boathouse was built. Facing the south this summerplace represents the "summer dream" for loads of Swedish people.