Hibernation and winterworks

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Fri 16 Nov 2018 21:52
Dora Mac will be demasted and stored inside a warm boatstorage from Yachts-Service (on the lower picture). During winter I have a quote from the yard on spraypainting the hullsides.
Since the plan is heading for northern Norway next season I also have a quote for installing a hydronic heating system (the aircon reversed heatingsystem does have the capacity but is far to energy consuming being dependent on shore/generator power for use).
It will either be a Webasto hydronic heatingsystem (quote from SeaComfort in Sweden) or an Eberspächer hydronic system quoted by Yacts-Service.
All going well Dora Mac will be crossing the Baltic back to homeport in April next year.