Diesel,propane and honeymoon

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Tue 30 May 2023 20:36
Before heading to sea we needed to top up diesel and above all-propane/butane.
From a local provider we managed to top up fuel (1.000llitres from a truck) for 1,5Euros/litre but propane is much more of an issue today.
Just years back you could find stations for filling your propanebottles something that has become increasingly difficult at least all over Europe.
Instead most countries have a "change propane/butane bottlesystem" but bottleconnections are all time different and adapters difficult to find.
We had to switch from Portoguese to Greek bottle and of course with different connections (on the pic 5 different connections from Greece,Portugal,Norway,U.K and Sweden).
The one from Greece and U.K look similar but with U.K not in the metric system ,threads are different.
Fortunately we have one electric burner and the trend today on new blue water cruisers is to switch from propane to electric stoves.
After top up of food,fuel and propane we headed to sea for honeymoon in the Aegean Sea.