Last time in Tromsö-another world

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Mon 4 May 2020 23:10
Last time being here with boat was on our doubleender Nemrod, heading for Spitsbergen more than 3 decades ago.
This was before the tourist industry exploded and Spitsbergen (Svalbard) was only reached by boat and therefore hardly visited by private people. We then stayed a couple of days in Tromsö to change crew,prepare crossing of the Barents Sea, and party.
That was certainly in a different world,before digitalisation,globalisation and with the cold war still ongoing. Never could I have expected then to be back more than 30 years later on a comfortable motortrawler where navigation and steering was taken care of by a computer,locked in to a country in quarantine due to a pandemic worldcrisis(in those days we were mainly concerned about nuclear holocaust).
It strikes me when looking at the picture what a spartaneous boat. That boat sailed us some 50.000Nm during ownership and we didn´t even have a sprayhood for protection in heavy weather. Comfort was obviously not our main concern in those days.
In the entrance of Nemrod, Robin Fåhraeus from Medical school and on my left side sailing friend Anders Boman.