Landfall Honfleur

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Tue 10 May 2022 06:39
The last night on the bay of Normandie traffic was scarce. When Mercedes woke me up at 04.00 the wind had picked up a bit with 20kts from NE and fogpatches around us.When switching on our VHF controlled NewMar deckhorn I found it`s signals very weak,something that needs to be fixed in port.
At dawn visibility improved and our e.t.a at the locks of Honfleur was 06.00.
That meant two hours after high water and being in neaptide we did not expect the current to be to strong.LAT in Honfleur locks is 0,4mtrs but in neaptide depth was estimated to 2,5mtrs at low tide.
After VHF contact with the lockkeeper (who was very helpful) he promised to keep the locks open even if we were some minutes delayed (lock opening scheduled at 06.00).
At 06.05 we entered the locks and made a starboard landing tying up to floating bollards in bow and stern.