
South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Wed 14 Feb 2024 18:45
Erice 750mtrs above sea level with a beautiful view and rich history is well worth a visit.
Originally founded by a local Sicuilian tribe it went through the same destiny as many villages in the Mediterranean conquested and fortified by the Phoenicians /Carthaganians and later under Greek and Roman rule.
It was famous throughout the Mediterranean for the temple of Venus Erycina which grew out of the Greek cult of Aphrodite.
I was in Erice August 2016 and remember loads of people with all shops and restaurants full and the only joy a beautiful view while taking the cabin from Trapani to the top.
Now the cabin was closed due to low season and Erice almost abandoned with very little people and only few restaurants open.
The taxi drive from Trapani still reveals a beautiful view and straying through empty streets finally finding a warm restaurant was much greater joy than being here in high season.
Erice was under Norman rule until late 13th century when the whole Sicily became a separate kingdom under the crown of Aragon. The arrival of Aragonese meant five centuries of Spanish domination.

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