
South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Sat 25 Mar 2023 17:42
Located in the Bay of Gaeta halfway between Rome and Naples,this is a village (like so many others) well known already since imperial Rome.
In those days the village was popular for well situated Romans who appreciated the temperate climate and built seaside villas in the area.
The castle overlooking the village is mentioned already from the 5th century and has participated in many wars throughout history and the cathedral is mentioned already 1106.
During WW-II the Germans occupied the city and allied forces bombed the village severely destroying the majority of the modern part.
The old town was spared though and is a delightful visit today.
Today Gaeta is a popular touristdestination for people from both Rome and Naples with plentiful of beaches. Nato also has an important navalbase with the high command of the 6th U.S Navy located here.
We made landfall in the evening and moored in Marina de Base Nautica Flavio Gioia which is a familyrun business with good reputation.
So far what we have seen from Gaeta and it´s people have only been a positive experience.
Work on Dora Mac though is a never ending story. This time it was Mercedes turn to climb the mast. The block of the starboard paravane needed to be fixed.